Turtle Mound
Par 27
Level 1 from 804 – 1,323 yards
One of my favorite Minnesota Twins players was Willians Astudillo, nicknamed La Tortuga – the Turtle. One look at him (pictures below) and you’ll know why that moniker fits. He doesn’t have a prototype baseball body. But he played all the positions except shortstop, even pitching a few times. And wherever he played, he worked hard - I loved that. The Turtle Mound course has similar attributes – it looks different, plays hard and it's round and rollie, more than long and sculpted. You first see this on the cart ride to the starter shack from the south. Yes, those are palm trees inside the trap near the 2nd tee box! (pictured above) Turtle Mound is also a course that historically torments me. My friend Mike has seen me double bogey every hole – once he witnessed me shoot the ball back and forth over a green into surrounding sand traps – four times! I needed to find shell-ter after that experience. La Tortuga the Tormenter! Here's the breakdown:
The first hole at Turtle Mount really seems like an afterthought the designer added when they realized there was only room for eight holes. So, just get the first shot over and move on to #2. Get your shellphone out to "snap" a quick picture of the trap with the palms, but then re-focus on the shot - it's a tricky one - you better stick the green. It's also one of the hardest green on the course as it slants hard downhill - it's like putting on the turtle's shell! The 3rd is not very long but it funnels to a pond behind so don't be long. The 4th is Turtle's signature shot, especially from the black tees. In honor of Crush, the famous Sea Turtle from the "Finding Nemo" movie, regardless of what tees you're playing, you need to "crush" a shot from the black tees on this hole - do it to simply experience one of the 18 best-looking golf shots in The Villages. If you can land the green, you'll find a seriously slanting putting surface - so water isn’t the only thing that could Crush you. It's one of the hardest shortest holes you'll ever play.
For #5 we get back to the sand. You even get to drive through it. But first take out your 127-yard club to land this pretty green. Then buckle up your dune buggy cuz we’re going beaching on this beauty! I make it sound like an overnight adventure – it’s just about 20 yards of sand you travel through in a couple of seconds – a lucky turtle could spend all day there! There is another course where you drive your cart through sand - can you name it? (Quiz Question 7) Ok, now on to #6. This one has two traps, but neither should come into play on this short shot. The 7th is another downhill drive – don’t be left or it’ll run as fast as the Turtle’s arch nemesis – the Hare! This green has four unique mounds (turtle mounds no doubt) in the corners, so be sure you’re in the center. #8 is up. It’s weirdly the same hole as Turtle’s next door neighbor course, Sandhill 8 – honestly, go play Sandhill and tell me if that’s not the same exact layout. It's like De Je Turtle! Anyway - #8 requires a full club up and the green slopes up even more, so you have your work cut out for you. The closing shot is Turtle Mound's hardest hole - the 9th plays longer than its 153-gold marker because it’s a steady uphill rise – hard to imagine a turtle being able to climb the last two holes – must take days! But you can do it in just a couple good shots – keep your head down and finish steady and strong, like a hard-shelled Turtle always does!
La Tortuga is fun. It’s not normal. Either was Willians Astudillo - with all those rolls and slopes and mounds it can certainly be a distracting. But it's fun. My games here have been filled with hilarious shots and scores. And those amazingly cool sand traps that with the palms planted inside and the ones you can drive through - so come for the traps but stay for the laughs!
Toughest to Easiest
9, 7, 4, 3, 2, 5, 8, 6, 1 – toughest greens 2 & 4
From the blacks
Yes please. Only two holes are longer than 170 yards and #4 is really fun to fly.
Go Green!
Aren’t all turtles green? Cartoon and movie ones for sure! So, Turtle Mound could have been designated a Green-Only zone. But it’s not the shortest course from the green tees – can you name that? (Quiz Question 9). The hole with the biggest yardage differential from blacks to green is #3. And you’ll also like the setup on #4 & 5 that avoids the water. Don't go in your shell - be green and play the Turtle!
What’s Nearby?
The Sumter Senior Living facility is Golf Cart Accessible from Turtle Mound heading east on the path along 466. It’s also viewable as a beautiful backdrop from the Truman 2 tee box. It offers Independent and Assisted Living and Memory Care for seniors. Before Covid, it was easy and common to visit and share some golf stories with your favorite veterans. You should call before you visit now, but well worth it. You can find more information here.

My impressions are based on playing from the Gold tee boxes. The Black and the Green tee boxes pose different challenges or benefits described as well. The rankings of the toughest to easiest holes are just my opinions - yours will be far different, as will your favorite courses and most difficult and attractive holes. I welcome your opinions or thoughts on any of this - click to leave a comment.
The 4th hole from the black tee box is one of best-looking views in The Villages! And hardest shortest shot too! See the other 8 that made this list by clicking here.

Willians Astudillo, La Tortuga (the Turtle), Minnesota Twins 2018-2022

A clever Villager who lives near the 1st green has this Turtle sculpture in their backyard. See if you can find it.
It looks unamused at my silly puns about its home course.
Now play the Match Game. I've given you one answer right here.

My impressions are based on playing from the Gold tee boxes. The Black and the Green tee boxes pose different challenges or benefits described as well. The rankings of the toughest to easiest holes are just my opinions - yours will be far different, as will your favorite courses and most difficult and attractive holes. I welcome your opinions or thoughts on any of this - click to leave a comment.
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